"A champion needs to acquire a taste of defeat, in order to hunger for, and truly appreciate the sweet taste of victory..!"

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Hey everyone, hows it going? 

Sorry its been awhile sense i came with an update iv just been going crazy trying to make sure everything is going to be done and ready by the 11th.!

So the transmission guys finally called me on Friday and told me the tranny arrived safe and sound!  They said that they were going to begin tearing into it and will have an ETA by wednesday.
I drove up to Infineon on Friday as well to talk to WORKS, check on my car and went to test out and fit a new seat.
( The first seat ordered without knowing the legalities of the safety rules, and apparently I ordered the only non competition legal seat sparco sells...

I did a ton of research this time before jumping the gun and ordering another seat and found one that hugs me like a suction cup and is Hans compatible as well.

(the Hans compatibility is a big factor being iv already tweaked my neck once so there's no use in doing it again if I can prevent it!)

After I ordered the seat I sat down with the guys at WORKS and figured out the game plan to get the car finished by the first race.
Basically we're going to be cutting it about a day short of the race so my car will stay up there until then while they take care of all the remaining components and tuning that needs to be done.  

This week they are going to finish up putting all the go fast parts on and clean out all the bs that I will no longer need; cruise control, ac, window fluid, ect...

There going to install the new radiator, and transmission cooler to make sure the car stays as cool as possible so I don't have to worry about burning everything up.

Once they receive the word on when exactly the tranny will be shipped back they will begin to disassemble the car to install all the remaining suspension components. 
Suspension & Handling:

- there installing all new Energy Racings polyurethane pushing all the way around to tighten up the whole feel of the car and the way it responds to the track and the bumps.
- Install custom Heavy duty Avid Aluminum polyurethane motor mounts to rigidify the chassis and tighten up the motor for hard engine braking.

-there going to Swap out the front and rear sway bars with heavy duty RM Racing sway bars to help reduce with body roll.

- There going to install strut tower braces

- Then Once they receive the tranny back and put the car all back together they are going to put it on the corner balancing scales to know the weight of each corner of the car to adjust the spring rate of the coilovers.  Then they will put a really aggressive camber on the wheels to prep it for the track and hard cornering in February!

The new seat is suppose to arrive there mid this week and Than I gotta head back up there again so we can get the seat all lined up and mounted in the proper location for me.

When the Car is all complete and put back together they are going to throw it on the dyno to finish tweaking in the tune with the new Tranny and get some accurate numbers to log down.  They are going to complete and sign off on my tech sheet that says the car is legal and safe to race.

Basically the car is going to be 98% done by the first race and all i will have left to complete the car will be the safety features such as;

- My full cage:

- Hans Device:

The Hans device will attach to my shoulders and contains to straps that attach to my helmet to keep my head from bouncing around Incase of a heavy impact...


- Suit:

So other then my safety equipment the car should be 100% good to go by the weekend of February 11th-12th.  Ill update you guys with pictures and a progress report this week when i go fit my seat and check on the car.

Thank you guys for taking the time to read this and follow along with the progress of how things are going!

I wanna take time to thank God as well becuase without him and his perfectly timed blessings this season would not be possible.!
A special Thank you goes out to;
 Perfect Harvest & all the others who are continuing to make this season possible!

Thank you all again for the encouragement and dont forget to always keep em spinnin!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bullet Proofing the drive train & finishing race prep / tech inspection

Hey how's it going everyone? I hope all your holidays were filled with love and joy! Sorry Its been so long sense i came at you guys with an update iv just been busy with the holidays and trying to get a game plan worked out for the car.  

So friday morning I had the car towed up to WORKS (the shop that's sponsoring me) to get the ball rolling for the season! The plan is that the shop said they were gonna try and have the tranny out and shipped by Monday afternoon if everything goes as planned.  Once they ship the transmission it will probably be about a week before the builder will receive it.  Once they receive it they said it should take them about another 5-10 days to fully rebuild it and then they will ship it back.   
Things are moving along smoothly for the most part, but for now were just waiting for the tranny to get pulled and shipped and then the ball should really start rolling!

I talked to WORKS yesterday and they know when the car needs to be done and setup by for the first race so were shooting to have the car done and back together before the end of the month to shake down any bugs it might still have before the race.  Being that the car will be up there for nearly a month immobilized, WORKS hooked me up with a screaming deal on the remaining suspension components I still need to bolt up.  So while they have the car there all stripped apart they're going to;

Swap out the front and rear sway bars with heavy duty RM Racing sway bars

- Install Energy Racings full suspension polyurethane bushing kit around the whole car to give the car a more controlled rigid chassis.

- Install custom Heavy duty Avid Aluminum polyurethane motor mounts for hard engine braking.

- They're going to pull out the air conditioning unit, Cruise Control, and any other unnecessary  components under the hood.

Swap in a new power steering pump

- Once they receive the tranny back and put the car all back together they are going to put it on the corner balancing scales and do a real aggressive race suspension setup to prep it for the track in February!

- When the Car is all complete and put back together they are going to throw it on the dyno to finish tweaking in the tune with the new Tranny and get some accurate numbers to log down. 

There will still be a few minors things to do for the car to be completely finished but for the most part by February it should make its complete transformation from a serious street machine to a fully built beast of a race car!
The last thing left to finish will now only be the roll cage and the car will be %100 ready to rock!
Iv been talking with a few people as well on what the best way to build my controls will be but for now I'm just going to run the current setup I have installed with a modified shifter.

This is just a brief update, but I'll keep you guys posted with more of the details as things progress over the month.  Thanks everybody for all your support, encouragement, and help and a huge special thanks to all those that have helped me to get where I am today.!

Stay tuned and I'll have some more info coming your way next week!

Thank you again for reading and God Bless! 

...->Keep Em Spinnin<-...