Hey everyone how's it going? Sorry for dropping the ball on keeping this updated, alot has happened over the last few weeks so I've just been stressing on getting all the issues were running into rectified.
First off I want to thank Borelli Motorsports for letting me set my car all on display on Saturday for Cars and Caffein. It was a great day with a lot of good people and a ton of cool cars!
Here is a video of the build process almost up to date minus the new controls.
We ended up dropping the car off about a month ago at a shop down south to have the controls custom built to my design and personal specs around myself and my abilities. That's where everything started to get out of wak. They ended up building me an inoperable system and now I'm stuck trying to decipher out what issues need to be addressed and corrected on my own to make them functional for a full race application.
Right now the car won't/can't turn the wheels far enough to do a U turn or a hairpin right or left do to the amount of required steering input to make a 90-180 degree radius turn. The shifting mechanism and throttle are functioning but not with the precision or response I need out of them for full race application. We've taken the first few baby steps in the right direction, so now once I re-engineer the controls and get them tweaked and tested I think we will finally start taking giant leaps on the way back to the podium.
Here is the video of the first test drive so you can get an idea of the concept of how they work and kind of see the issues I'm experiencing...
So unfortunately it doesn't look like we're going to make this next race coming up on the 16th but were shooting for a track/test day at the end of the month so hopefully that works out. I'm currently redesigning and drawing out my controls the right way as we speak so I can just take them to a machine shop once I'm done and get them all cut out. We have quite a few other things to do to the car to get it to respond and turn with The precision I'm looking for but I think we have a pretty good idea of what exactly we need to change and fix in order to get working right.
We are going to have to have a custom new rack and pinion built and ordered in order to get the amount of steering angle I need with the minimal amount of input as possible. Hopefully we can get that measured and ordered on Monday and keep the ball rolling. I'm trying to have my drawings all complete by the end of this week and then hopefully get those new bad boys all cut out and tested within a few weeks.
Things haven't been exactly going to plan nor on schedule, but then again I guess it's kind of hard to plan something out that's never really been done before. Diagnosing and dealing with the bugs are all big parts of racing, I just happened to have a few other technical variables thrown in the mix. It's kind of a bummer, but I know all in Gods time I will get back out there with a presision performing car and make up for all the time that's been lost!
We also had a bunch of promo shirts made up to help raise a bit of race funds... We have white, black and red. Get yours today and rep it hard to support the cause.
$25 donation : email or all me if interested. (kesracingmario@yahoo.com 408-427-5175)
We have a ton of stickers as well if you hit me up I'll hook you up! Here are the new KES logos that I would be stoked to see running around on everyone's car for support...
We can and are also starring to make custom vinyl stickers as well. If you just let me know what you want, how many, what color and what sizes we should be able to handle it. (Prices will very according to quantity and size.) (kesracingmario@yahoo.com 408-427-5175)
Their is an article coming out in this months SCCA racing magazine "The Wheel" on myself and the whole current build process along the way so that should be cool! It's been a steep bumpy hill so far but I'm looking forward to smooth and exciting rest of the season.
I have a great group of people helping me out right now but I still look forward to meeting new people, go new places and trying new things as the season! Thank you all for the continued encouragement and support through out this crazy journey. I really look forward to showing the world what I can do in the extremely near future and proving myself to be a championship contending competitor!
Stay posted as things start to come together and hopefully I will have a new video of the redesigned controls try'd and tested before the end of the month.
Thank you to all my sponsors that have helped me get to where I am today and huge thank you to Perfect Harvest for giving me my life back! Hypothetically speaking...
I hope everyone has a great day and God Bless!
Keep Em Spinnin!