"A champion needs to acquire a taste of defeat, in order to hunger for, and truly appreciate the sweet taste of victory..!"

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Graduation from 2 wheels to 4, 6 year anniversary.... Whats up with next year???

What's up laidies & Gents! I hope everyone is having an enjoyable and productive week.

As I mentioned in my previous post, I went up to Infineon Raceway a few weekends ago to go hangout with a team I may potentially work with next year.  The name of the team is Truspeed Motorsports and there based out of southern california.  It was a great experience and everyone on the team was beyond cool. 

Outside of Roadracing and motocross iv only been to a handful of large venue auto races but never from a behind the scenes prospective.  So that was way cool to see what all goes into trying to get yourself and the car to work together more fluidly in order to improve on lap times as well as car control.  It's amazing how much different everything actually is From 2 wheels to 4.

This whole car industry from setup, to rule book logistics is still all very new to me so I'm just trying to pick up on as much knowledgeable as I can, when ever I can!  What's Great is that Truspeed is a very well established and respected Porsche team throughout north America, so they no exactly what it takes to win and understand exactly how to make it happen.  They have countless hours of data acquisition for chassis and suspension setup from previous years drivers at just about every track in the U.S..  This will be ideal when going to a new track and trying to find basic setup parameters for my driving style to start off with.  
Also with there in-depth knowledge about the cars as well as all the legalities that come along with racing, they can provide the track side support Iv been searching for to not only stay consistent, but take my driving skills to the next level of a serious competitor! We're currently discussing a few different possible options for next year, and are working on my P.R. Package to begin approaching sponsors to begin gaining exposer and support for next season.

 I went down and had a meeting with the owner of Truspeed and there pr guy as well on Tuesday.  They're all way cool and super stoked on the whole idea/dream/mission and said they most definitely want to be apart of making it all happen, we just now need to figure out what the next step is to move forward.
I talked to them about a potential car and actually got to sit in it, so I was pumped! Lol. 

I'm suppose to touch base with them again next week to see what they've come up with and let them know what we've figured out on our end and then see what we should do next.  The owner, team manager and Pr guy are suppose to meet and figure out what route they think would be best for us to go.  
I told them about the race I have at the end of the month so I'm hoping my eclipse stays together the way it should so I can actually put down some fast times and show that even in a car that's not fully setup or equip with my ideal hand control system I can still run on pace with my class.  As much as I have already proven that I can navigate the car around the track safely, I'm going to have reassure people's doubts by continually going out and showing dramatic progression every time.  Which is my intention wether its expected or not, stagnantation is my worst fear that drives me to push beyond my own abilities and keep striving beyond lifes limitless boundaries. The car should be back together and running next week so fingers are crossed that they got all the bugs worked out this time and it stays together.

Its been a journey since Sept. 15, 2006, but Iv learned a lot in the last 6 years from;
life, to business, to human nature, reality, dreams and everything in between.  We live in a constant search for a balance of happiness, freedom, self expression and success but most of us get pushed into and trapped in the box that which society likes to call reality.  The world is interpreted by your personal beliefs and views, not necessarily by what you personally view.  Don't let others negative outlooks dictate your personal ambitions and dreams, because only you can see how there possible, and only you can take action to make them reality.  Just as an architect can visualize how a house needs to be constructed,  only you and God know how you want your life to be developed.  

We all have something unique and special to offer, for some it may be math, for some it may be art, some may even have more then one, but for me my passion is racing.  It's not the race against my opponent that concerns me, all tho I do want to win.  It is the race against myself that keeps me pushing to continue my progression past what I am already capable of.  Its the fact that i know my brain, potential and abilities haven't yet been developed, challenged nor tested to there fullest extent so I understand there will always be room for improvement.  Its knowing all knowledge is self knowledge and the more understanding and effort I apply into every aspect of what I do, the better off the outcome will always be.  I know that there will always be someone else that's faster or better, but if I learn to humble my pride and analyze what aspect of the task at hand that they may understand and are executing better, then I may learn from there strengths and weakness's and capitalize and improve off of them.  I just love the smell of the fumes, the sound of the engines, the mechanics of the machines and the complete analyzation and adaptation to the different tracks and situations in general.

Ever since I was a child it was not only my Goal to become a professional, but to be the best professional I could possibly become in hopes of one day maybe becoming world champion.   As these are huge aspirations for anyone iv always believed that the only boundaries were confined by are the ones we create in our own mind, and if its possible for one then it has to be possible for another.  Iv always lived my life without boundaries, but never without fear, I just took the time to learned to fear the right things. Iv admired others abilities and appreciated there achievements but i have never put anyone on a pedastule over the next guy because anything is possible for anyone, its just all about who wants it more.

Of coarse any racer that sets foot on a track does not intend to plato, but to continually progress & develop there skills until they'er the one setting the pace of the field and constantly raising the bar for themselves as well as everyone else.  The day you stop taking risks and stop learning  is the day you quit being a racer.  Its a constant search for greater self knowledge and an indescribable desire for personal progression.  As a racer we desire to continually test realities boundaries in order to see what is actually possible and what we are personally capable of as individuals.  The car acts as a mechanical appendage that which a driver is able to translate there passion into unspeakable actions which allows them the ability to over exceed unimaginable thought to be boundaries.
The way I look at it is like calculated chaos, kind of like harnessing a hurricane that's completely out of control and being able to tame it to channel its energy to use it to the best of your advantage.  We all have the ability ride different hurricanes but its the one that can harness and focus the perfect amount of energy at the perfect moment's required that will usually come out victorious!

There is just no better feeling then going where no one has gone before, doing what no one has done before, and having the confidence in yourself to elevate your personal abilities in order to accomplish what is believed by most to be unachievable.  It is a self gratifying moment of coarse but it also in a sense slowly starts the change the laws of reality and new laws begin to be written by once unimaginable feats!  To be an author in realities amendment book is all I can hope to be by showing anything is possible with enough hard work, faith and perseverance!

Unfortunately my racing dreams were temporarily detoured for a few years but iv finally worked my way back to the track and am slowly trying to turn these dreams back into a reality.  I haven't gotten to where I am by accepting where I was, and I'm not going to get to where I am going by accepting where I am.  I'm on a mission and don't plan to stop until Iv reached my fullest potential, and even then I keep no limit on progression so dreams I'll chase until the day I die!

My next race is at the end of the month on Saturday the 29th so well see how it goes and I'm hoping things can only go up from here!  I just want to thank my family and friends that have stood by me, and all those that have made this year possible.  This is just the beginning and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon so thank you again for everyone's continued support and encouragement and I'm gonna do my best to Keep Em Spinnin!

Stay posted for updates as the race gets closer and don't ever stop dreaming!

...Keep Em Spinnin & Stay Blessed...

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