"A champion needs to acquire a taste of defeat, in order to hunger for, and truly appreciate the sweet taste of victory..!"

Saturday, November 5, 2011

HAND CONTROLS... How does it work...?

Hand controls

Hey everyone how's it going?
I hope everyone had a great week and was able to stay warm and dry these last few days it's been wet and cold!
I first want to start off by saying thank you to those of you that have sent donations!  I have already applied those sponsorship dollars to areas of necessity and am slowly but surely progressing that much closer to my goal for next season.  Your sponsorship contributions help and mean more then you know!
I will post updated pictures of the car as things begin to come more & more together for next season!

So I'v come across quite a few people that are still unsure as to how I'm even able to drive a regular car, let alone a full on equip race car, so I figured I would take some time to show and explain how it works.
Currently the setup that I am using is a general hand control system which you will find in most impaired drivers vehicles.  All it basically is, is a lever that hangs down below the steering column that allows you to apply pressure to the brake by pressing forward towards the dash, and down towards your lap to actuate the throttle.  So basically I steer with my right arm using a Brody nob on the wheel (similar to a tractor or bus) and apply the gas and brake by using my left hand on the lever. 

It's a pretty basic setup and a lot easier to use then most people think!

As for my controls I'm working on modifying to fit in my car to race with, they are much different and have a completely different setup.  I initially designed them to work on my kart so some significant modification are being made to hopefully fit the new design in my car so I can try and go fast again! Lol
The way the controls currently work for my kart  is;
There is a 1/4 turn motorcycle throttle attached to the right side of the wheel to give it gas, and the left side of the wheel pivots forward to actuate the brake. (similar to a motorcycle lever just backwards)
This setup in turn allows me to keep both of my hands on the wheel while still being able to apply the gas and brakes.

I'm going to be using this same type of setup in my car as well, the only difference is the right side of the wheel will pivot forward and back about an 1/8th of an inch so that I am able to manuly select my gear shift points to shift gears.

I'm currently talking with a few fabricators and machinists as well as looking for other engineers/machinists to help refabricate and widdle down some or the modification issues I'm running into to make them work as reliable and efficient as possible!  If you are or happen to know anyone with any expertise in these areas I'd greatly appreciate your help or ideas and would love to hear from you..!

Anyways that's basically the jist of how things work and how I drive my car... 
I hope everyone has a great weekend and I'll have some updates with pictures coming to you soon next week!

Thanks again for stopping  by and reading!
Stay posted for updates.

~*keep Em Spinnin*~


  1. All that steering stuff...Really interesting, Mario! There's an awful lot of engineering going on to make all that happen. Keep up the blogging.
    Aunt Chris

  2. Ya there definitely is but it makes driving very easy.
    Some one put in the hard work to make driving seem like no work (;
    but thank you for reading! i hope all is well!
